teacher education teacher education

Teacher Education

Elementary Education, Master of Education

  • Major

Inspire, encourage and support the next generation of learners.


The teacher education program at McPherson College focuses on three major levels of licensure in the Elementary Education major: 6-12 Licensure, PK-6 Licensure and PK-12 Licensure. This allows you to focus on a specific grade range. We’re committed to developing service-oriented educators who effectively blend the art and science of teaching.

Because your professors have all led a classroom, they have the expertise and experience needed to mentor you as you become a great teacher. You’ll gain real-world insight into all sizes of schools through classroom observation and practicums. Experience what it’s like to lead a classroom first-hand through experiential learning opportunities that begin early in Wichita or Chicago.

If you want to increase your earning potential at the beginning of your career and further your impact, McPherson offers a master’s degree in special education and ESL.


  • Elementary Education

    The teacher education program at McPherson College focuses on developing service-oriented educators who effectively blend the art and science of teaching.


  • PK-6

    Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, High-Incidence Special Education

  • 6-12

    Biology, Chemistry, English, English for Speakers of Other Languages, History and Government, Mathematics, High-Incidence Special Education, Speech/Theatre

  • PK-12

    Art, Health, Music-General, Music-Instrumental, Music-Vocal, Physical Education, Spanish

  • Licensure Disclosure

    The US Department of Education federal regulation Sec 668.43 A-C. McPherson College Teacher Education prepares candidates for licensure in the state of Kansas. At this time, we have not determined if these preparation programs will lead to licensure in other states.

Featured Teacher Education Student Story

Student Profile - Malia
Student profile - Kenzie
  • "As early as freshman year they are getting us into schools to observe and work in the field we are studying."

    Malia Pfeiff, '27, Elementary Education

    In addition to field experiences through the Teacher Ed program, Malia is involved in several organizations on campus like Student Government and Student Activities Board. Her plans after graduation are to teach kindergarten or K-2 special education.

  • "From real classroom observation to creating unit plans, the support from my professors and peers has been unmatched."

    Kenzie Cooper, '25, Elementary Education

    McPherson College has helped set up Kenzie for a successful future. Not only will she have been placed in a teaching position before graduation, she will also be graduating debt free!

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Experiences & Outcomes

  • Student Teaching

    Student Teaching

    Students learn by applying their knowledge during practica and student teaching in classrooms throughout the McPherson area.

    Practica & Student Teaching